Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bridesmaids Review

                                                          3 Nuts!

Director: Paul Feig

Bridesmaids could have just been a typical ‘girly’ movie. We have all seen the previews hundreds of times for films with a similar story line.  Thankfully this film is far better and a hell of a lot funnier than any chick flick in recent memory. To even call this a chick flick may be a stretch because guys bringing their girlfriends to see this movie may find it funnier and more enjoyable than their dates. 

This is a hilarious movie. There is no getting around that.  I know on a second viewing there will be scenes that I will look forward to, just remembering how hard I laughed the first time through.  Kristen Wig, who currently is one of the cast members on Saturday Night Live, plays Annie, a 30 something year old who’s best friend Lillian played by Maya Rudolph is about to get married.  Annie is asked to be the maid of honor which she happily accepts.  Annie then meets the rest of the bridal party and the movie truly takes off from there.The interactions between these 6 women are hysterical. Outrageous scenes take place throughout the film in various settings ranging from a high end dress store to an airplane.  Kristen Wig’s performance proved just how comedic she can truly be. 

At times the film can take it a bit far, and some criticism that I have heard regarding the film is that it can be too raunchy at times. However, removing those parts from the film would in fact be a disservice to the film. Those scenes happen to be some of the funniest moments that the film has to offer.  If toilet humor is something that offends you, then don’t see this film, but you will be missing out on some very funny moments. 

The film has a few slow parts where characters get into fights but those are inevitable in this type of movie. It still has some of the elements of a chick flick.  There is a love story between Kristen Wig and a cop. It is a very standard cheesy side story that is put in just to have a sub plot love story.

In a peaNut Shell: This is a solid comedy.  It has moments where I was almost in tears from laughing so hard.  There is also the occasional moment I could have lived without.  In all, the film works and if you can take the raunchy humor you won’t regret seeing this one. 

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