2 1/2 Nuts!
Director: Juame Collet-Serra
After Liam Neeson’s last action/thriller “Taken”, I came into this movie expecting to see another practice in Liam’s “badassery”. What I got was not quite what I was expecting however what it turned out to be did not necessarily disappoint. The movie is about Dr. Martin Harris played by (you guessed it) Liam Neeson. He has taken a trip to Berlin with his wife to go to a major biotechnical summit and give a speech. When he realizes he has forgotten one of his bags at the airport, he jumps back in a taxi to retrieve it. Unfortunately for him, the taxi crashes into the river and he goes into a coma for four days. Once he wakes up he finds that no one, not even his wife knows who he is and someone else has taken his place as Dr. Martin Harris.
This is not Liam going around busting heads trying to get to the bottom of it all. The movie turned out to have a lot less action scenes then I had previously anticipated. For the first act, Liam is mostly wandering aimlessly, trying to get some grasp on his situation. The car chase scenes in the movie are quite engaging and a good deal of suspense is created through the use of quick editing. By the end we do get to see Liam kick ass which is what we were pretty much waiting for the whole time.
The movie has some twists and turns that are not incredibly surprising but are decent enough to be intriguing. There are some scenes that seemed forced to move the story along, but it doesn’t need to be perfect.
There is an incredible amount of closure by the end, almost to a fault. The story leaves no questions unanswered and no real room for debate about what’s going on. It’s not a bad thing, however by the third act what you have is a pretty generic action movie, with all its’ mystery gone.
In a peaNut Shell: This is worth seeing but not worth going out of you way for. Don’t read too much into the holes in the movies, or you will just become frustrated. Take it for what it is.